Welcome to KISK!
We offer Information and Library studies in full-time and combined form or Information Services Design as a fully online distance learning course for Czech-speaking students.
Bachelor degrees
Information and Library Studies
The Information and Library Studies program combines the areas of technology work, information processing, and librarianship. Depending on your choice, students will learn to do research, work on projects, create applications, and design services in these areas. They can also work as librarians or information scientists.
Due to the small number of students, students have individual access, and we try to meet their educational needs. Students can choose from various electives, online courses, hands-on workshops, internships, or study abroad.

Design of information services
Information Services Design at KISK is a distance learning, professionally oriented undergraduate program. During the course of their studies, students will learn to design information services with today's global societal and environmental challenges in mind. Students will meet current and future leaders in the information services field, and you will be able to immediately apply your learning experiences in commercial, non-profit, and public service practice.
In each semester, we cover the areas of design thinking, user research, information services design, management and services, and strategic design. We connect information service and technology design with insights from psychology, sociology, and other social science fields. We emphasize a critical approach, ethics, and accountability - leveraging our knowledge of interaction design, inclusive design, and transition design.
The studio is based on the principles of self-directed learning. Lectures, videos, and study materials are always available to students. They are not alone in going through the semesters: we will support them in collaborating with their peers, tutors will guide them through each course, online tutoring, and individual mentoring. Once every 14 days on Fridays, students meet via the Teams platform. We are the first Czech program to integrate immersive virtual reality into our teaching fully.
Master degree
Dramatic developments in the field of information technology bring new challenges. This increases the demand for knowledge such as information work, design and evaluation of information services and systems, data analysis, information security, information education, and others. This knowledge has had a firm place in our curriculum for several years and is further developed in research seminars or directly in practice.
The Master's degree offers four specializations:
- Data and Information Management
- Information services design
- Librarianship and literature in a cultural context
- Technology in education.
The profiles help our students to grow in their chosen field, but they also provide thematic student encounters or involvement in projects that get them into practice in their dream field.