People, technology and information
The Department of Information and Library Studies (KISK) is an academic department of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. We focus on the study of the relationship between people-information-technology and teaching, mainly in the form of projects closely linked to practice.
What we do?!
We develop the foundations of information science in the Information Science, Philosophy of Information, and Learning Society courses.
We emphasize students' research competencies in the courses Methodology for Information Studies and Librarianship, Research Seminar, and Research Horizons for Information Education.
We educate students in the theoretical foundations of the field of librarianship in the courses Methods of Library Work, Library Services, Working with Electronic Information Resources, and Selection Languages.
We lead students to understand and apply the interconnections between librarianship and literature in a cultural context in the courses Literature in a Cultural Context, History of Librarianship in Everyday Life, Poetics of Literary Works, etc.
We connect theory with practice in libraries, public institutions, and the commercial sector through the Jobbox platform, cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of MU, Moravian Library, the experimental Library “at the Crossroads,” the projects “What Wasn't in the Textbook” and EDUFORUM.
We think about products and services in relation to current and future users of libraries, other memory, and educational institutions in the courses Design and Innovation, Design of Educational Process, Editorial Issues: theory and Practice, and Human-computer Interaction.
We are providing methodological support to practitioners in the management and implementation of ICT innovations in the educational process - courses ICT Methodologist, ICT Coordinator, INTERES project.
We promote and support topics related to information literacy in the courses Information Literacy, Information Education, and Information Security and the projects Information Education Week and Participatory Platform for Information Literacy Development at Masaryk University.

The field of librarianship with a focus on library science was accredited at the Faculty of Arts MU in 1992. Gradually, library science was expanded to include information science in the concept of Prof. Jiří Cejpek. Since 2001, the concept of study in this form has been implemented as the field of study 7201T Information Studies and Library Science.