English courses at KISK

The availability of these courses may be limited to specific semesters. Ask the department coordinator about their availability for your planned semester of mobility.

Process and Tools of Data Visualisation

with Mgr. Tomáš Marek

This interdisciplinary course introduces students to the fundamental principles, methodologies, and technologies in creating compelling data visualizations. Students explore the iterative data visualization process through a hands-on approach, from data acquisition and cleaning to selecting appropriate visualization techniques and tools. Students will engage with various tools, gaining basic skills in translating complex datasets into clear, meaningful, and impactful visual narratives. The course is built as a series of facultative workshops and meetings with semester-long individual final projects.

Disinformation Pandemic: How to Fight It

with Mgr. Veronika Batelková

The course aims to increase media literacy among students and develop their critical thinking skills and other competencies needed for life in the information society of the 21st century. Students will gather the knowledge to create the concept and possible future movement activities devoted to critical thinking and media literacy. The course is partly based on the Media and Information Literacy Framework by UNESCO.

Literature review a a research method

with PhDr. Pavla Vizváry, Ph.D. LL.M.

This practical course aims to impart knowledge and skills in conducting literature reviews as a full-fledged research method. First, we will introduce different approaches to literature reviews (e.g., narrative or integrative reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, qualitative and quantitative). With this overview, an expert lectures on the selected topic, which we will work on together throughout the semester. We formulate research question(s) and objectives. We retrieve scholarly publications in different information resources (especially, but not exclusively, texts). Therefore, previous skills in research retrieval are necessary. We evaluate retrieved publications from various aspects (relevance, quality, usability). We analyze publications quantitatively and qualitatively and write an analytical-synthetic output for both approaches. All these steps will be presented, discussed, and practically implemented during the semester.

MOOC: learning online

with RNDr. Michal Černý, Ph.D.

The course aims to promote students' competence in learning. It responds to the emergence of MOOCs (massive open online courses) and micro-credits as modern forms of differentiating learning. Students will gain experience in an online course in an area of study relevant to them while learning to analyze and describe the courses critically. Emphasis is also placed on their ability to learn online, analyze educational methods and practices, and evaluate courses and their learning. Specific content objectives are determined by the student's selection of online lessons.

Creativity learning and information literacy

with RNDr. Michal Černý, Ph.D.

The course explores the relationship between creativity, learning, and technology. It emphasizes the development of practical competencies in creative work with information (mind maps, association series, sketch noting, etc.), creative writing, critical reading, forms of learning, etc. It specifically emphasizes the use of technology in these activities. The online course works with Dalle-3, Bard, and ChatGPT tools.

VR in humanities

with Mgr. Alžběta Šašinková, Ph.D., doc. Mgr. Čeněk Šašinka, Ph.D., Mgr. Natálie Káčová and Mgr. David Košatka

The course aims to experience, learn, analyze, and reflect on the possibilities of education in immersive virtual reality. Students will use loaned headsets and learn in selected applications. The course combines theoretical background with practical experience. The course is suitable for those interested in virtual reality in terms of applications or education and forming a prerequisite for basic knowledge for their research work in this field.

VR Research Project

with doc. Mgr. Čeněk Šašinka, Ph.D.

This advanced course is for learners strongly motivated to pursue VR in research. The course is taught in the form of individual tutorials on a specific project and group discussions in groups of 2-3 people; the outcome of the course is a high-quality research project with publication potential.

Design as a source of innovation: from theory to facilitation

with Mgr. Roman Sellner Novotný and PhDr. Ladislava Zbiejczuk Suchá, Ph.D.

Design practice is increasingly emerging as a critical aspect of user-centered innovation development. Whether we are talking about companies, where innovation can be a source of profit, or public institutions, where it ensures citizen participation in the running of the state, design, and design thinking provide the methodological basis for their implementation. In the course, we will look in seminar form at what design can look like in different types of institutions, and we will also try out other methods and facilitation skills.

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