The whole topic revolved around mind maps, so there will also be a practice test of those. Try making two mind maps:
- A mind map as a reading extract - read a scholarly article/book/script and use it to create a mind map that reflects and describes the topic. Please choose a different, specific colour (then write which one) and make branches and notes that go beyond the original text, i.e. show how you are thinking further about the topic or linking it to other sources.
- Mind map as a search for a topic - try to create a mind map to define the topic of your thesis or term paper.
Create one of the maps (you choose which one) on your computer or tablet in an app (iMindmap, MindJet, MindMaster or even free Coggle, FreeMind or XMind), and draw the other by hand. Add a comment to distinguish the first and second maps (e.g. "The topic of my term paper is quantum transitions in the hyperfine structure of selected gases," and I have read the book "I and Thou by Martin Buber").
Try to write briefly which map you did better and why.
Turn in the document with the completed assignment. According to the course rules, the submitted file will be in PDF or DOCX format.