Authors of CORE141
Who is behind the Creative Information Work course and who will guide you through the semester?

Michal Černý, Ph.D.
Course author. Philosopher of education and information, information scientist, expert on technology in education, digital competencies and information literacy, who believes that creativity is one of the remarkable manifestations of humanity. A theorist of learning environments. Combines the work of a university teacher as a researcher and teacher with the work of a popularizer. Originally trained as a social educator, physics and computer science teacher, and theologian. Teaches at the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education and Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University in Brno. He is the deputy head of the department and author of many papers, books and courses.

Valerie is passionate about internationalization, education, and design. She has a bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Information and Library studies with a focus on service design and board game design. Her 3.5 years of volunteering in the international student organization ESN have shaped her expertise in non-formal education, leadership, and community building. Professionally, she works in HR and has experience in social media management. As a creative outlet, she also runs a bookstagram to share her love for books and studying.

Bc. Daniel Marek - tutor
He is a student at KISK, where he has been trying to profile himself since his undergraduate studies. He has been slipping between EdTech and Information and Data Management and continues to do so in his Master's studies. His involvement in tutoring this course and his interest in data and data visualization prove this. He will be leading the tutorial sessions. He enjoys observing new technologies, self-education, and cultural events. His journey through his undergraduate and graduate studies can be followed in his portfolio, which he maintains primarily as part of his studies.

Bc. Lucie Kratochvílová - tutor
Lucie is a student of the Master's programme at KISK. She has been tutoring since her undergraduate studies and enjoys this role very much. At KISK she also helps with the administration and organisation of various events. Her greatest passion is books and literature, and she is particularly focused on small independent publishers and the festivals that support them. After graduation, she would like to organize such festivals herself. When she has a few free days, she likes to go to London to discover the bookstores and libraries there.