
  1. The first step is to create an account
  2. In the next step, fill in the details about you and your contribution.
  3. In the Abstract Upload section, fill in all necessary data including the Abstract as a plain text. 
  4. Click SEND TO APPROVE only when you have filled in all the information, including the final version of the abstract. Once submitted, you will no longer be able to edit the abstract
  5. Later, upon acceptance of the abstract, you will be requested to submit the contribution using the CAL template


  1. In the "Contact details" section, please provide the details you require on the invoice.
  2. A variable symbol will be generated for you. Please save it.
  3. Registration will be confirmed by email. Please check your spam folder.
  4. If you are presenting a poster, please indicate so in the title of the abstract.
  5. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Registration Packages

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